I searched around for over a year before walking into URU studio and being welcomed by the bright, sweet light known as Beckie. I was searching for a studio to do my 200 hour teacher training and hadn’t had any luck. I walked in, expecting to feel unwelcome, awkward, out of place; imagine my surprise that I got to meet Beckie and Chris, her special person she’s doing life with.
I was so apprehensive to being in a group of people who were obviously going to be better at yoga than I was. A group of women who would judge me and think I didn’t belong there. I thought they’d see “right through me” and know I hadn’t practiced a whole lot in awhile. That I didn’t have the right yoga clothes. Or the right personality to be a teacher. I could go on, but I won’t.
It turns out, this group of women COULD see through me. They could see me for who I was, who I am, and who I could be. I found some of the most supportive women I’ve ever met. People who believed in magic, and each other. The first few days were awkward, we danced, played weird name games, Beckie made sure that we broke the ice, and she accomplished that quickly! I was with a large group of women that I thought I’d never learn their names, or really get to know them at all. I was thankfully wrong, yet again. I got to know these women well, I made lasting friendships and connections that I know I can count on.
Over the 8 month program, we went on silent meditation walks, practiced loads of yoga, had bonding moments, difficult moments, took silly pictures together, supported the local mexican restaurant together. We had group circles where everyone got a chance to sit in the middle and hear how others saw us, it was enlightening, uplifting and empowering. We enjoyed funny videos together, stumbled through practicing sequences, especially sun salutations! We went on adventures together, whether it be walking to the cool restaurant down the street to going to Cow Fest in Mississippi together. We all cried together, laughed together, had serious moments together and made huge steps in our lives together. We all had that moment where we were practicing yoga and happened to look up, make eye contact with Beckie and just absolutely feel the love pouring out of her. It’s something I’ll never forget. All shapes, all sizes, all religions, all colors, we are all welcome at URU and it’s not hard to see that once you step inside.
Now that YTT is over, I’m fully involved in teaching. Even though I thought I would never be comfortable in front of others, let alone instructing yogis through a practice. I teach at several studios, 4-5 classes a week and I love it. YTT gave me the courage to become a life coach as well! If you’re considering taking the leap into YTT, I strongly encourage you to do so. You won’t regret it.
Let your light shine,