Purnam~Whole, Complete, Abundant November 2017 Purnam~Wholeness This Sunday, Daylight Savings Time ends. Darkness prevails over light as the earth begins to rest for the fall and winter season. In this time, plant’s roots nestle deep into the soil to rejuvenate for spring. Animals prepare for the cold and go deep inside their shelters. The darkness is the juicy soil and the womb. In the darkness, true nurturing and growth begin. Just as the earth depends on the dark as much as the light, we too honor our light and our dark. There are shadow places in each of us and to deny them is to deny that what makes us complete. The fall and winter months are the perfect time to turn our gaze (drishti) inward, observing all of the parts and pieces that make us complete, whole and perfect. In our darkness, we acknowledge all that makes us human and part of the physical realm while our light reminds us of our connection to the Source. Om purnam-ada Purnam-idam Purnat purnam-udachyate Purnasya purnamadaya Purnam-evavashishyate Om That is the whole. This is the whole. From wholeness emerges wholeness. Wholeness coming from wholeness, wholeness still remains. Embrace all that you are, know that you are complete, whole, perfect, abundant, and loved. Namaste We love you, The URU Yoga Crew Poetry w/a dash of Yoga Friday, November 3 6:30-9pm URU Downtown This is a donation event to support the Downtown URU Yoga Studio! All humans, all ages welcome! Bring something to read and maybe to eat too! We will open the night with a few moments of breathing exercises and meditation. Readings will begin at 7P, but please arrive earlier to mingle with your community and eat some snacks! We will spend the night sharing energy, thoughts, and emotions. A space free of judgment and full of support. There is no specific topic or genre to speak upon. Bring whatever you want, whatever you feel like sharing. Also, no language barriers. Open minds, ears, and hearts. Be yourself. Express yourself. Create together. Check it out on Facebook Chakra Yoga Tune-Up with Jen Hammonds Saturday, November 4 4-6:30pm URU by the airport Join Jennifer Hammbonds for a tune in and tune up your chakra system with this fun 2 Hour practice! We will raise our vibration to be warriors for GOOD with chanting mantra, meditation, asana, and maybe a little dancing. Working with these seven energy centers of the subtle body establish your most vibrant, deeply rooted and balanced mind, body, and heart. $30 Check it out on Facebook The Essentials of Teaching Yoga in the Classroom Sunday, November 5 2-5pm URU Gulf Breeze Designed for yoga teachers of any tradition, schoolteachers from preschool to high school, therapists, and parents at all levels of yoga experience. Prepare to move your body and be young at heart in this fun, insightful, and practical workshop. Join one of URU’s own children’s yoga teacher and learn how to: ~Enrich children’s mental and physical health through captivating movement, relaxation, and mindful meditation ~Use effective and age-appropriate, self-calming and self-regulating techniques ~Give children tools they can take home with them as well as use at school ~Learn how to stay in your center and have clear, meaningful interactions with children ~Cooperative communication and listening skills for effective teaching $50 Check it out on Facebook Stories Told by Jessie Ritter Friday, November 10 7-9pm URU Gulf Breeze Stories Told by Jessie Ritter is an intimate gathering to listen to the beautiful music of Jessie Ritter, vocalist and songwriter and URU yoga student. You can bring your whole family. Jessie doesn’t have a “children’s show,” but children love her show. Everyone should have an opportunity to listen to music in a safe family-friendly environment. No vulgar language. No explicit stories. Just real tales of life and love told from the heart. To learn more about Jessie, click here: jessielynnritter.com/the-story Check it out on Facebook Homeschoolers Teen/Tween Yoga Tuesday, November 14 2:15-3:30pm URU 9 Mile We will be coming together again to share in movement, breathing, and maybe a little yogic philosophy. Please send any questions to David Bryan at 7hondo5@gmail.com Kids Yoga, Gallery Night Friday, November 17 7-9pm URU Downtown Kids Yoga Night–parents, take some time for yourself! Let us offer your children an incredible night of yoga while you take a well-deserved break & go out on the town for Gallery Night. The evening is filled with a variety of fun yoga games, activities, crafts, stories, music, etc. $20 each child sound $5 off sibling discount. Check it out on Facebook Kids Yoga at URU Yoga for Kids @ URU Yoga 9 Mile Every Thursday 2:45-4:15pm Kids Yoga @ URU Gulf Breeze Every Tuesday 4-5pm Yummy Yoga with Lynn for adults upstairs same time! Kids Yoga & Silks (8+) @ URU by the airport Every Wednesday 3:30-4:40pm Coming Up Next Month… Mystery Night with Dr. D Friday, December 1 10am-4pm URU by the airport TBA Reiki Levels 1&2 with Tracey Owens Saturday, December 2 10am-4pm URU Gulf Breeze Description: Learn about Reiki, a universal energy that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical, and energetic imbalances. Join us to discover how to help yourself & others with Reiki energy.Pricing: 12/2/17 Level 1 and Level 2 10am-4pm Investment $250 In this comprehensive course you will learn:: *The history of Reiki, where did this practice begin. *How it works & why *Energy Anatomy: Chakra system *Daily meditations and positive focus for each day. *Self-Healing techniques to utilize each and every day! We will have a Dinner Break until 6 and then those wishing to return to meditate in the Reiki energy, are welcome to join us for light yoga and meditation! *Students wishing to attend these classes as a Reiki refresher must contact me directly for availability and pricing! Check it out on Facebook URU Yoga & Beyond www.uruyoga.com 4 Locations Pensacola: 2400 Executive Plaza Drive 955 E. Nine Mile Road, Ste. 102 100 S. Baylen Street, Ste. D Gulf Breeze: 913 Gulf Breeze Parkway Harbourtown Shopping Center, Ste. 26 URU means spacious, broad and abundant in Sanskrit. May we move from a place of spaciousness. URU means You Are You because that is who you are meant to be. May we move from a place of Being who we are meant to be CONTACT US URU Yoga | 2400 Executive Plaza Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503 Unsubscribe wps3cr3tn3wz@uruyoga.com Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by loveallbeckie@hotmail.com in collaboration with Try it free today