Plan Your Weekend at URU Yoga

Be You! Take Care of your Self! Please join us for one or a few of our amazing events this weekend. Kids Yoga Night, Parents Night Out Friday, October 20 7-9:30pm URU Downtown Kids Yoga Night–parents, take some time for yourself! Let us offer your children an incredible night of yoga while you take a well-deserved break & go out on the town for Gallery Night. The evening is filled with a variety of fun yoga games, activities, crafts, stories, music, etc. $20 each child sound $5 off sibling discount., Float, and Fly with lyra! Check it out on Facebook Self Care Saturday Saturday, October 21 1-7:30pm URU by the airport Self Care Saturday: A day retreat designed to promote self care of the mind & body. Join Melissa Garner, LMHC, RYT for a day dedicated to your wonderful mind and body. During our day together, we will practice skills to improve self care, spend some quality time with our creative selves, and nourish the body with mindful movement and relaxation. You will take away tips and new insights that can help improve mood, energy levels, focus, and overall self care. We will bust myths and identify barriers of self care, prioritize top self care goals, and create a guilt-free and sustainable self-care plan. Activities for the day will include: – Gentle Yoga – Professional Self Care Teachings – Journaling – Group Discussion – Nature Walk & Mandalas – Guided Art with Watercolors – Candlelit Vegan Dinner – Restorative Yoga – Guided Relaxation Investment: $60 (Includes dinner) Bring: Yoga Mat, Water bottle, Journal, Pen Why: By tending to our own needs, we are better able to care for others. Pre-Register: Check it out on Facebook Dance Your Self Saturday, October 21 6:30-8pm URU Gulf Breeze Optional warm-up begins 6:30pm Dance begins 7:00pm (lasts about 1 hour) $5-$10 requested ($7 suggested) Ages 12 and up (12-17 with adult, please) Free-form dance for one and all! No experience necessary! Come dive in to a talk-free, intoxicant-free zone of creative expression. Let the music move you through an inner journey of creative freedom. Connect with deeper inspiration and creativity by simply listening to how your body wants to move! Check it out on Facebook Confessions of an Inflexible Yogi Sunday, October 22 9am-12pm URU by the airport David Bryan will be offering an exploration of what can limit our range of motion or ability to move either in your yoga practice or your day to day life. We will use Yin Yoga as a tool in this exploration as well as some lecture/discussion. The workshop will cost $25 and no experience with Yoga or Yin is required, an open and questioning mind would be beneficial. Check it out on Facebook Teaching Kids Yoga 101 Sunday, October 22 11am-1pm URU Downtown For yoga teachers of any tradition, schoolteachers from preschool to high school, therapists, and parents at all levels of yoga experience. Prepare to move your body and be young at heart in this fun, insightful, and practical workshop. Join one of URU’s own children’s yoga teacher and learn how to: ~Enrich children’s mental and physical health through captivating movement, relaxation, and mindful meditation ~Use effective and age-appropriate, self-calming and self-regulating techniques ~Give children tools they can take home with them as well as use at school ~Learn how to stay in your center and have clear, meaningful interactions with children ~Cooperative communication and listening skills for effective teaching $35 investment Check it out on Facebook Strip It Down: Perfect YOUR Asana Sunday, October 22 1pm-3pm URU by the airport Kristy West is hosting a workshop where common yoga poses will be broken down into their mechanics. The focus will be on alignment, transitions in and out of the poses, as well as modifications to prevent injury and discomfort. Roughly 10-12 poses will be discussed including Warrior 1 and 2, lunges, Triangle, and Chair Pose. The workshop will end with a 60 minute yoga class. This workshop is beneficial for beginner students, seasoned yogis, and yoga instructors. Cost: $20 Check it out on Facebook Enrichment through Acupuncture, Restorative Yin, & Massage Sunday, October 22 3pm-4:30pm URU Downtown Embrace the healing power of combining Acupuncture, Restorative Yoga, and Massage. Yoga, Massage and Acupuncture allow elements to find movement. They awaken the Chakras and balance our Spiritual, mental and physical energies. This workshop will help to balance the yang in your daily life. Let Sarah and Angela enhance the Yin inside you. Yin promotes relaxation, nourishment, and forgivness. Acupuncture Treatments provide a sense of calmness, groundedness and connection. People have commented that their acupuncture treatments help them feel like themselves again. Yin Restorative Yoga offers the physical body a chance to relax and feel supported. It is a gentler way to vanish anxiety and empower mental positive affirmations while finding truth in your stillness. Check it out on Facebook Next Weekend! Yoga Retreat @ Portofino Friday, October 26- Sunday, October 29 Portofino Island Resort Find Your Center Yoga Retreat All inclusive yoga retreat includes 3 nights stay at the beautiful Portofino Island Resort & Spa, 8 amazing chef prepared meals, yoga classes in multiple locations throughout the property both indoors and outdoors, meditation, group connection, paddle boarding, dolphin cruise, group bike ride, rest, relaxation, connection and rejuvenation. Retreat registration information: $1100 Private bedroom/shared skyhome $850 Shared Bedroom/shared skyhome $2000 Private 3 Bedroom skyhome (each additional participant $625) $1700 Private 2 Bedroom skyhome (each additional participant $625) $625 Portofino Home Owners & Club Members (skyhome not included) Call Rebecca at 850-377-5334 to register. Check it out on Facebook URU Yoga & Beyond 4 Locations Pensacola: 2400 Executive Plaza Drive 955 E. Nine Mile Road, Ste. 102 100 S. Baylen Street, Ste. D Gulf Breeze: 913 Gulf Breeze Parkway Harbourtown Shopping Center, Ste. 26 URU means spacious, broad and abundant in Sanskrit. May we move from a place of spaciousness. URU means You Are You because that is who you are meant to be. May we move from a place of Being who we are meant to be. CONTACT US URU Yoga | 2400 Executive Plaza Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with Try it free today